The hands-on instruments are available only to users who have been trained by a member of the NMR staff (
Instrument reservations can be for up to two weeks ahead from the day on which the booking is made.
Bookings must be made under your own name and SSO, and are for your use only. It is not permitted to book time under your name for another user.
Bookings are made in multiples of 15-minute slots. Daytime is 8 am - 8 pm Monday to Friday, during which you may book up to a maximum of 3 hours per day (in a single or split session).
Overnight bookings must begin at 8 pm at the earliest and should terminate by 8 am.
It is acceptable for a daytime booking to directly precede an overnight booking (e.g. to book 5 pm to 8 pm, followed by 8 pm to 8 am), however only one overnight booking is permitted per week, per instrument.
No-one is permitted into the NMR labs during ‘buildings closed’ hours (midnight to 6am). If booking a partial overnight slot, experiments must be submitted using IconNMR to allow the next user to queue their experiments before building closure.
VT experiments should only be run during normal hours.
Weekend bookings have no restrictions.
If there is free instrument time but you have already booked your allotted timeslots, please contact the NMR staff to book this time.
If you have requirements that fall outside of these restrictions, you must discuss this with a member of the NMR staff.
If you do not turn up within 15 minutes of the start of your booked slot then you forfeit the entire booking and anybody else can then use the time.
Bookings will be checked weekly and any bookings breaking these rules will be deleted. Repeat offenders may find their booking privileges have been revoked.